Time: 2012-06-18 14:13:20
"Good products do not necessarily bring success to a company. Instead, it is the ability to manage different channels and the experience and relationship therewith that will make a company stands out," say Steven Wheeler and Evan Hirsh, marketing scholars.
With the rapid development of various science and technologies and enterprises' understanding and application of marketing mix 4P's or 7P's, It is more and more difficult for a modern enterprise to build up its supplementary ability to long-term competition advantages through products, prices, and promotions. Especially in market in China, where intellectual property protection is insufficient, it is unrealistic for most enterprises to keep a leading position in product technologies. Most products or design are easily imitated by the counterparts. Imitation can bring momentary success to an enterprise at most but will not be a permanent solution to its long-term success.
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